Bangladeshi Developer builds Computer for rural areas that costs only TK 10,000

According to the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development, only 2 out of 6,500 rural Bangladeshi households have access to computers and computer literacy.

Ragib Ehsan has spent the last five years working hard to create a system to improve access to computer literacy for those who do not have it. With the knowledge and skills he gained over those years, as well as the tremendous support and knowledge from his friends, investment from his father – Ragib has taken an important step toward realizing his dreams and assisting others in realizing theirs.

The is his first prototype of an ARM SoC-based computer with fully open-sourced software (it looks, acts and feels like Windows, but runs on a derivative of debian). With Ragib's immense brilliance, the solution only cost him Tk 10,000 to make, whereas the cheapest laptops in Bangladesh come at around Tk 30,000. He is now joining hands with BRAC's education department to distribute these computers and set up computer labs in schools in rural Bangladesh.


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