Einstein Fellowship in Germany 2022 – Fully Funded

Applications are open for the Einstein Fellowship in Germany. The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation call for applications for the Einstein Grant for the year 2022. Einstein Fellowship is a program for outstanding young thinkers who want to undertake a project in a different field than their previous research.

The purpose of the scholarship is to support those who, in addition to producing excellent work in their area of ​​expertise, are also open to other interdisciplinary approaches, following the example set by Albert Einstein. In addition to that, the Albert Einstein Scholarship supports creative and interdisciplinary thinking by giving young academics the opportunity to conduct research outside of their previous area of ​​work.

Here are more details about Einstein Fellowship in Germany


Deadline is May 15, 2022

  • Country: Germany
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Eligible Regions: Anyone can apply for the program
  • Deadline: May 15, 2022 

    Eligibility Criteria :

    Here are the eligibility criteria for the fully funded Einstein Fellowship in Germany.

    • Candidates must be under the age of 35 and have a university degree in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences.
    • A successful application must demonstrate the quality, originality, and feasibility of the proposed project, as well as the applicant’s superior intellectual development.
    • It is not relevant if the applicant has started working or has a doctorate.
    • The proposed project does not need to be fully completed during the fellowship time, but maybe the beginning of a longer project.

    Benefits :

    Einstein Fellowship will provide the following benefits:

    • Free accommodation
    • A stipend of 10,000 euros for five to six months
    • Travel expenses will be reimbursed.
    • Your family can accompany you during the scholarship period. The scholarship will not cover your travel expenses.
    • As long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria, you will reapply for the scholarship next year with a replacement proposal.

    Other details :

    • Fellowship will not be given to thesis research or any dissertated research work. 
    • The research proposed must be completely new in content. Research must not be from the field of the applicant’s previous work. 
    • It is not necessary to complete the project in the fellowship period. The projects should instead be a beginning of a more extended project.
    • A candidate does not need to hold a Ph.D. degree.


    Required documents:

    • Updated CV.
    • A project proposal (up to 2 pages).
    • Two letters of recommendation.
    • Highest academic degrees.
    • Highest academic transcript.
    • Scanned copy of passport. 

      Application Process:

      • Application with the documents must be submitted by May 15, 2022.
      • Send your application form and relevant documents via email (fellowship@einsteinforum.de).
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